🧠Industrial Metal Band "ALMONDot"メンバーを題材にした「ボイスコミック(ボイコミ)」気まぐれ連載スタート!
この ボイコミは、英語、中国語、日本語の3ヶ国語にて展開致します。
#ボイコミ #ボイスコミック #webコミック #ALMONDot #Dot1 #アフレコ #日本語 #Japanese (language) #SonyMusic
🧠A series of "webcomics" featuring the members of the Industrial Metal Band "ALMONDot" will begin!
※This "webcomic" will be uploaded in English, Chinese, and Japanese, with voice-recorded versions by the band members!
#voicecomic #voicomi #ボイコミ #webcomic #ALMONDot #Dot1 #postrecording #アフレコ #英語#English (language)
🧠Industrial Metal Band "ALMONDot "成员为主角的 "网络漫画 "系列开始了!
该 "网络漫画 "将以英文、中文和日文上传,并由成员进行后期录音!
#voicecomic #webコミック #ALMONDot #Dot1 #postrecording #アフレコ #录音后 #中国語 #Chinese(language)
ONE PIECE has been made into a live-action Hollywood drama. Various of the unique characters and entertainment in Japan have been around for a long time.
Anthropomorphizing things like hot spring girls, local mascot characters, and historical figures is an amazing idea. I also don't think there is any other group that has a deep-rooted anthropomorphic culture like the one in Kansai where people call candy "Ame-chan". I think the world should pay more attention to Japan's unique mindset, which blurs the distinction between things and people.
So, one day it occurred to me that Japan should have this identity admired and protected by the people of the world for the future of Japan (Genius!!).
We hope to be able to convey various things like that through music!!
by Ensen
“Sorai”(18) who stood out in the female guitarists world, resonates with the sense & philosophy of rapper “Ensen” (16), who spent her childhood in London
東京 Industrial Metal Band
We are [ALMONDot]
『ONE PIECE』考察界の異端児「コーキタコヤキ大阪」による、インダストリアル・メタル・バンド『ALMONDot』考察!!?
想いは伝わるのですね『ONE PIECE(ワンピース)』考察界 の異端児が、全くの別ジャンル『バンド』を考察するという、前代未聞の異色のコラボを絶対にチェック!
➡https:// youtu.be/JlO8usERyB0